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A Review of the Pathfinder Community Seminars

The Community Stakeholders are included


COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS: Receive books and pass it forward.

Above are call points for the Pathfinder Community Seminars. The FSFLC will call on these stakeholders and invite them to participate in the book distribution to family’s they identify as living with substance use disorders.

This task will be completed by the FSFLC Liaison and this will help the learning center to receive more referrals. Presentations could be offered to them at their location. 

A flyer directing the families to contact the learning centers should be placed in each book. 


These are the stakeholders who notice a problem, early-on in the process.

  1. The Coach's 

  2. The Counselors 

  3. The  Community Agency's 

  4. The Legal System Courts 

  5. The  Police and Responders 

  6. The local Pastors 

  7. The  Social Workers 

  8. The Employers


Give these stakeholder a workbook to give to the family member.

(Click PDF Links to download)

From Coach to Family Table.






From Counselor to Family Table.







From Community Agency to Family Table.







From Legal System Courts to Family Table.







From Police and Responders to Family Table.








From Pastor to Family Table.







From Social Worker to Family Table.






From Employer to Family Table.







These books are available as printed copies:


How can a community respond?

Use the Pathfinder Community Collaboration program provided here. Download the manuals and share them with key stake holders. Or order them on 

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